Our Mission
Scioto County Children Services' mission is to lead the community in the promotion of safety and permanency for all children.
Ohio Law requires that every child has a safe, permanent home. We'll provide families with the opportunities to remain together. Should it become necessary for children to be removed from a parent or custodian, we will collaborate with the family to develop a plan for reunification.
The law requires Children Services to investigate screened-in reports received about children who may be abused, neglected, or require services.
Ohio law requires that the reporting source of abuse or neglect remains confidential.

Intake and Investigations Unit
The Intake Department takes all referrals of child abuse or neglect. Suspected child abuse or neglect is often brought to our attention by community members, family, and mandated reporters. The name of the reporter will be kept confidential.
After contact is made with our agency screener, the referral is reviewed by the Investigation Supervisor or designee and then prioritized. Scioto County Children Services has a caseworker and a supervisor on call 24 hours a day / 365 days a year.
The investigations unit is responsible for investigating child abuse and neglect reports, and providing services for any family who voluntarily requests help. Sometimes families have problems or issues that, through no fault of their own, make it challenging to ensure their child’s safety. If you need help, please ask and we will provide assistance with services or referrals as needed.
Referrals can be made on any child(ren) from 0 to 18 years of age. Additionally, if an adult is 18-21 and has a developmental disability, a referral can be made. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, contact the agency at 740-456-4164 or 740-354-6661.
Ongoing Unit
The Ongoing Unit works with families and children to provide ongoing services to ensure continued child safety. Caseworkers work with the families to provide and link services for reunification. Reunification is the main goal for families and children. The caseworker completes monthly contact with parents and children to ensure services are helping to reach the reunification goal.
Adoption Unit
We search for adoptive families through community resources and child-specific recruitment activities. This process results in life changes for the child and the adoptive family, so there is much support and assistance provided from placement to finalization.
Independent Living services are provided to all youth in custody that are ages 14 and older. These services are designed to teach youth about the responsibilities of adulthood. Youth receive education about job skills, money management, food safety, cooking skills, and tenant's rights and responsibilities.
Scioto County Memorandum of Understanding to Address Child Abuse and Neglect
This memorandum is an agreement among Scioto County Department of Job and Family Services and community partners that delineates roles and responsibilities for referring, reporting, investigating, and prosecuting child abuse and neglect cases.​
The MOU also identifies procedures for collaborative service provisions needed to ensure child safety, permanence, and well-being, and the minimum requirements of screening, assessment/investigation, and service planning, to meet mandates included in children services legislation passed by the 134th Ohio General Assembly.